Billy Graham Trivia: Where Did He Spend Christmas in 1966 and 1968?

By   •   December 14, 2018

Q: Where did Billy Graham spend Christmas in 1966 and again in 1968?

A: Vietnam.

In the midst of the Vietnam War, Billy Graham made two trips to the country to share the hope of Jesus Christ with U.S. troops.

Before his first visit, thousands of Americans sent him letters about their husbands, sons and loved ones who were in Vietnam.

“I bring you greetings from thousands of people,” he said in 1966 as he spoke to the troops. “And at this Christmastime I know you’re going to be thinking about your loved ones at home, but I can assure you they’re thinking about you.

“And I can also assure you that you’re in the prayers and thoughts of millions of Americans from coast to coast who are very proud of you and the job you’re doing in a very difficult situation.”

>> Listen to his message to troops in Saigon during his 1966 Christmas trip.

He went on to talk about the true meaning of Christmas and the heart of the Gospel.

“The message of God at this Christmas season is the most wonderful word in the world: Forgiveness. Forgiveness! To go to bed at night and know that all my past is forgiven. To know that if I’m killed, if I die, I’m ready to meet God.

“Nothing can bring a greater peace to a man in the midst of trouble and difficulty and war than to know that. That all the past is forgiven. Not because you deserve it, not because you bought it, but because Christ paid for it on the cross.”

During his two Christmastime trips to Vietnam, Billy Graham visited hospitals and prayed with U.S. troops. On at least one of the trips, he sang “Silent Night” with them. “In the middle of that war,” he said, “men were making their peace with God on Christmas Eve.”