Legacy Planning

Your legacy gifts can help spread the Gospel for generations to come.

Gift Options

Annuities & Trusts

Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA)

A Charitable Gift annuity is a contractual agreement that supports BGEA, provides a fixed stream of payments to you and/or a loved one, while offering tax benefits. The annuity can be funded with cash or marketable securities. Your Gift Annuity will make payments to you for life, at a rate determined by your age at the time payments begin. Payments to you may be deferred, allowing for a larger charitable tax deduction and larger annuity benefits.

After you or your loved ones passes, BGEA receives the remainder of your original gift. To confidentially explore gift options, contact us for more information.

Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Significant features of a Charitable Remainder Unitrust include tax advantages and a stream of future income for you and/or your loved one. Your Unitrust may be funded with cash or appreciated assets such as marketable securities or real estate. The Unitrust, however, is an irrevocable agreement, meaning that the terms cannot change.

The charitable contribution you receive from establishing a Unitrust may be claimed in the year it is funded or may be carried over for up to five years if it is too large to use in any one year. Where applicable, taxation of capital gains on the donated assets are deferred until distributed.

Since there are many options to consider when funding a Unitrust you may want to contact us for more information so we may confidentially answer your questions or suggest ways to maximize your gift.