2022 to Bring Exciting Changes for Billy Graham Library

By   •   January 14, 2022

The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina, is currently closed and will reopen this summer. An exciting new experience is being created for visitors.

Exciting changes in store for the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The Library will reopen in summer 2022 after three projects are completed:

1.  Completion of the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center, creating a new opportunity for others to study and train for evangelism
>>Read more about what this new center will offer.

2. A refresh of The Journey of Faith tour

3. The addition of a new meeting space at the Library

As construction is nearly completed on the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center, construction is ongoing on The Journey of Faith tour.

The Journey of Faith retraces Billy Graham’s journey from a dairy farm to sharing the Gospel with some 215 million people in 185 countries and territories through evangelistic events.

Since the Library opened in 2007, technology has “leapfrogged,” Executive Director Scott Holmquist confirmed, explaining the reason for the Library’s refresh. New technology, he said, will help clearly communicate how God used Billy Graham to draw many to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.

As part of the refresh, a new section about Billy Graham’s homegoing on February 21, 2018, and surrounding memorial events will be added to The Journey of Faith.

Continuing to proclaim the Gospel through every effective means is integral to the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association’s mission.

“We want to continue using not only every available means but every contemporary avenue available to communicate the Gospel because then, the medium is transparent,” Holmquist explained.

These changes include LED lighting, modern screens and more. What stands out is not the medium—but the message.

New Meeting & Training Space

Under construction off the side of the Library’s Dairy Bar is an additional room for group training or meals. Three hundred people will be able to sit [theater style] for trainings, or 160 people can dine at tables.

This year, a new group training space is being added to the Billy Graham Library. The new space can also accommodate large groups for meals.

And while new construction is exciting—with bricks, technical changes and more—it’s merely a means to the end, said Holmquist. The end goal is delivering the Gospel of Jesus Christ and equipping others to share their faith.

“There are few places that present the Gospel [and] give an opportunity to respond and invite Jesus Christ into your life,” he said. “That’s what makes the Billy Graham Library very unique.

“Our prayer and our goal is that transformation of the heart that only God does.”

The Library refresh will be a good reason to invite someone who doesn’t know Christ, he emphasized.

“Don’t just come because you’ve been before and it’s new,” Holmquist urged. “Come because it’s an opportunity to invite somebody to something new.”

And a chance to start a new life in Christ.

How about you? Pray now to receive freedom in Christ.