“We the people of the state of Nevada, grateful to almighty God for our freedom in order to secure its blessings, insure domestic tranquility, and form a more perfect government, do establish this constitution.”
Those words from the state constitution are engraved in the ground of the Capitol Amphitheater in Carson City, Nevada. And on Wednesday, some 2,800 stood on top of those words together in prayer, hoping their state and this nation will return back to the biblical values that were once the status quo.
“We’ve taken God out of the government … we’ve taken Him out of the public square,” Franklin Graham said to the crowd. “If a high school wants to have a prayer before a football game there are people who say, ‘If you do that, we will sue you.’
“And people get afraid … we back up,” he continued. “I’m tired of backing up. No more backing up!”
The crowd cheered in agreement, some even offered a “Hallelujah!” And most at Wednesday’s event—along with others supporting the Decision America Tour with Franklin Graham—genuinely don’t want to back down anymore. They want to boldly stand for their beliefs in a way that will make a difference.
But how?
“We need to get behind candidates who believe in God’s Word,” Franklin Graham said.
In addition to that, Franklin Graham is urging Christians to run for office at the local level, where it all begins.
“There are many places where Christian men and women could get elected. They could get the vote if only they offered themselves,” he said.
Now headed to Sacramento, California for the 13th Decision America prayer rally this year—Franklin Graham wants Christians in every state to understand their voice matters.
Take a Run at It
Richard Blain traveled about 30 minutes from Silver Springs to attend Wednesday’s prayer rally.
He founded “James 1:27 Ministries” with his wife a couple of years ago to help people with “life-binding issues” like drug addiction, post-traumatic stress disorder and sex trafficking.
“Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” —James 1:27 (NKJV)
“I believe in Franklin Graham’s message. As Christians, we need to take a forefront position in politics and run for office. I believe that if we don’t, what we see happening to America now is going to happen on a worse scale,” he said.
“We can’t sit back idly and not fight for this country and what this country was founded on.”
Blain “got in the game a little late,” but is planning to run for political office in the next election cycle.
“I see what America is turning into, and I have a responsibility to stop it if I can,” he said. “I think that people like me who have a concrete foundation in Christ and who have a love for this country need to step in and be a part of that.”
His prayer is that as more Christians take a stand publicly, the laws of the land will take a dramatic shift.
“Nevada is on the verge of being a new Nevada,” a hopeful Blain explained. “A Nevada where gambling and brothels aren’t the focus, but where God and family are the focus.”