Faith and Politics: Should Christians Speak Up?

By   •   July 23, 2024

This week, Cissie Graham Lynch re-released a Fearless episode—recorded just before the 2022 midterm elections—about striking a balance between faith and politics. 

Many pastors and churches steer clear of political matters even when they carry spiritual significance.

“How do you tackle these [political] issues from the pulpit while keeping your eyes on the cross?” Cissie Graham Lynch asks Pastor Gary Hamrick.

“We have to address social issues through the lens of God’s Word,” Pastor Hamrick said, having spent the past 30 years preaching the Bible at Cornerstone Chapel in Virginia.

Lynch recognizes that politics is considered to be an ugly word by many people, Christians included. But with an election on the horizon, Lynch shares about the importance of engaging in politics and standing up for your values.

Although Scripture addresses many of our current political concerns, Lynch believes a lot of people in the church have become Biblically illiterate.

Pastor Hamrick agrees, pointing out that “if the pulpits are silent, then the pews will become ignorant.”

As someone who’s tackled controversial political topics, Pastor Hamrick encourages pastors and believers to get off the sidelines and fight for the soul of our nation. He personally chose to defend God’s Word alongside one of his congregation members, Tanner Cross, when Cross was persecuted for speaking up against cultural ideologies during a school board meeting.

This election season, Lynch hopes listeners will not be silent, but will choose to defend unchanging truth in a culture that’s constantly shifting.

Listen to the full podcast episode, or watch it below.