Billy Graham Trivia: How Did Billy Graham Find Out Ruth Was Expecting Their First Child?

By   •   June 19, 2017

Ruth showing off the Grahams' first child, Gigi.

Q: How did Billy Graham find out Ruth was expecting their first child?

A: Via telegram.

In 1944, Billy Graham partnered with Torrey Johnson, a young preacher in Chicago who was forming an international evangelistic movement among young people called Youth for Christ (YFC).

Together they established the first YFC office in Chicago; however, as YFC’s first full-time evangelist, Mr. Graham spent most of his time on the road preaching in Atlanta, Norfolk and all over the Midwest.

In his autobiography, Just As I Am, Billy Graham recalled:

“One day, as I was boarding a train with Al Smith, who was leading my singing, someone handed me a telegram from Chicago. I put it in my pocket, got onto the train, and was well on my way to Indianapolis before pulling it out. The doctor’s dire warnings about my possible inability to become a father were proved false: Ruth was expecting!”

Billy could hardly wait to arrive in Indianapolis to send Ruth a telegram and wire her some flowers.

On September 21, 1945, Ruth gave birth to a baby girl whom they named Virginia Leftwich, after Ruth’s mother, and endearingly nicknamed Gigi.

Gigi was the first of five little Grahams. Anne Graham (Lotz) came shortly after, followed by Ruth (Bunny) Graham, Franklin Graham and Nelson (Ned) Graham, each whom are involved in ministry around the world.