Back-to-School Ministry Opportunities

By   •   August 8, 2024   •   Topics: ,

Students of all ages are heading back to the classroom for a new school year.

As they do, are you looking for ways to share God’s love and truth with them?

Here are some back-to-school ideas and resources that might be the right homework to help you get started.

Host a Gospel-Centered Movie Night

Who doesn’t like to be invited to a movie?

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has produced multiple feature films that use exciting, real-life stories to communicate the Gospel. The Cross showcases the testimonies of two individuals—a jaded illusionist and a troubled young musician—along with Billy Graham’s last evangelistic message.

There are also dozens of World Wide Pictures films available on DVD or streaming that share the timeless message of hope and redemption, including The Hiding Place, The Ride, and Last Flight Out.

You can watch many of these films for free on YouTube or BGEA’s Roku channel, or you can find them on Amazon Prime or DVD.

Open your home, serve up some popcorn and sodas—and then sit back and watch what God will do.

Be Prepared With Answers to Their Questions

Billy Graham responded to hundreds of questions about faith and life in his over 55 years of ministry. From concerned parents to curious middle schoolers to stressed out college students, the evangelist shared insight from God’s Word on how to approach spiritual struggles.

Keep the following answers in mind this school season:

Think Internationally

Every year, thousands of international students from many religious backgrounds come to the United States on a student visa. Volunteering in your local university’s Christian club or your church’s outreach program is a great way to share your faith on campus. Seek out other opportunities to “take a mission trip” without even leaving your city—such as inviting students over for a home-cooked meal or offering practical help as they get accustomed to life in a new country.

>>College Care Pack: Know a Christian away at college? Send a gift pack to encourage them in their faith and equip them to share it with other students.