‘A Call for Help’ in Their Moment of Greatest Need

By   •   October 28, 2024

During the onset of the 2020 pandemic, a new ministry was formed and God drew people to Himself through Gospel TV spots and the Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line. Watch the new special, A Call for Help.

It was a desperate time in 2020 when the world was rocked by COVID-19.

During the lockdown, many people lost family members or friends to the disease while others became desperately lonely—with no one to talk to.

In a new 30-minute Billy Graham TV Special, A Call for Help, viewers will see the real-life stories of people trapped in fear and despair—and how God rescued them.

At the beginning of the pandemic, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) began airing Gospel TV spots, 60-second ads where Franklin Graham shared the Good News and invited people to call a 24/7 prayer line. The response was incredible.

Do you need prayer?  Call the Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line at 855-255-PRAY (7729).

To answer the huge volume of calls—sometimes 10,000 a day—BGEA recruited volunteers to join staff members for the task.

Men and women across the country were equipped to talk and pray with people who needed the hope of Jesus Christ.

One young man, Tray, chased drugs and sex before hitting rock bottom. After hearing the truth of God’s Word, he called the prayer line and found peace and freedom by surrendering it all to Jesus Christ.

As the lockdowns eased and life returned to “normal,” the Gospel spots and Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line have continued to reach millions of people. And thousands of TV viewers have made life-changing decisions after watching Franklin Graham—in their homes, at a restaurant, or in other public spaces.

“The Holy Spirit of God takes the Gospel and pierces the hearts of those that He’s calling,” said Franklin Graham, president of the BGEA.

Others simply want to talk to someone and share their problems. To date, the prayer line has received over 2 million calls.

“We want to reach people wherever they are,” Graham added. “They see that number, and they can pick up a phone and call.

“You never know how God is going to use that to reach someone.”

Serving God From Home

The Gospel spots and prayer line ministry depend on the work of countless believers across the nation who have a burden to share the hope of Jesus. In A Call for Help, those answering calls share why they serve—and how the front-line ministry is making an eternal difference in people’s lives.

“You are giving the best gift to them. That is the Lord Jesus Christ.”

“There really is an impact in this. You’re really seeing souls transfer from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of light.”

“Every call you get is a divine appointment. Nothing is ever an accident.”

Watch A Call for Help.

Are you looking for an opportunity to reach others with the Good News—with the flexibility to do it from your own home? Volunteer with the Billy Graham 24/7 Prayer Line.