
By   •   August 4, 2016   •   Topics: , ,


If God knows what's going to happen in the future, why doesn't He go ahead and tell us? I've tried astrology and things like that so I could discover the future, but I no longer think they can be trusted. Is God any better?


I’m thankful you finally came to the conclusion that astrology and similar practices aren’t reliable guides to the future. The prophet Ezekiel bluntly said concerning those who claimed to know the future, “Their visions are false and their divinations a lie” (Ezekiel 13:6).

Has God promised to reveal the future to us? No, not in the detailed way fortunetellers falsely claim to do—and for good reason. For one thing, if we knew exactly what was going to happen to us each day, we wouldn’t have to trust God for our future—or even to pray. But we don’t know—and that ought to send us to our knees every day to ask for His guidance and protection. Part of the prayer Jesus taught His disciples includes these words: “Give us today our daily bread…. deliver us from the evil one” (Matthew 6:11, 13).

But God hasn’t left us in the dark concerning the future! The future is in God’s hands—and some day He will intervene to bring an end to all the evils and injustices of this world. This will happen when Christ comes again in glory to establish His perfect Kingdom of righteousness. The Bible says, “But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells” (2 Peter 3:13).

Are you ready for that day? Don’t put your confidence in anything less that Jesus Christ, but by faith trust your life and your future into His hands.