
By   •   May 6, 2023   •   Topics:


When I see so many organizations raising money for every kind of need, I just don’t believe my few dollars every month can make a dent in resolving anything — but these few dollars sure could help my bank account. I don’t think God really expects us to give to other needs when we have our own. So why do people say that God needs our money?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Many have asked, “What good can my little amount do when the needs are so great? Why bother to give?” God looks at peoples’ finances differently than we might look at them.

First, God does not need our money, but He knows that our giving is a measure of the depth of our commitment to Jesus Christ. And it isn’t just a question of how much we give, but what our attitude is as we give. Do we give reluctantly or under compulsion (perhaps to impress other people)? If so, it strongly suggests that we love ourselves more than we love Christ. We must guard against this.

But God also is able to take what we give and use it in ways we could not imagine. That extra dollar might keep a starving child alive one more day, or bring the Gospel to someone who would otherwise never hear of Jesus. We should give prayerfully … give joyfully … and ask God to use our gifts to help others. When giving is done in the Name of Jesus, there’s a joy that spills over in our hearts because we know He is going to use it to point people to Him and show them that God’s people love others.

The Bible says that we should give because we want to, and “not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV).

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

Need peace? Find it in Jesus Christ.