Reaping a Harvest Decades Later

By   •   October 28, 2022

Franklin Graham speaks at the recent dedication for the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center in Charlotte, North Carolina.

Dear Friend,

As my father’s birthday, Nov. 7, approaches, I’m continually grateful for the incredible things God did in the lives of so many people through him.

The Gospel was what the Lord called him to, and he proclaimed that message obediently for decades. Nearly 80 years after the beginning of my father’s ministry, we are still hearing about how God is using seeds that were sown decades ago.

Earl* is one of those remarkable stories. The 96-year-old World War II veteran lives in Florida, and his house was in Hurricane Ian’s destructive path. As a team of wounded veteran volunteers with Samaritan’s Purse worked on his damaged home, Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains began talking with him.

He said he remembered hearing my father preach decades ago. Earl explained that he was “almost convinced” about Jesus Christ—but he had never embraced the Good News.

BG-RRT chaplains are still ministering in Florida following Hurricane Ian, which claimed lives and destroyed homes across the state.

Earl’s heart softened as he listened to the chaplains share more about salvation. Finally—after so many years—he was ready to surrender his life to the Lord, and he prayed in repentance and faith to receive Jesus Christ.

We praise God for what He did in Earl’s life—and we’re praying that many more will find healing in the Lord as teams of chaplains minister in three communities in southwest Florida. Will you lift up all those still suffering in the wake of Hurricane Ian?

Will you also pray for the Hedingham community in Raleigh, North Carolina, and St. Louis, Missouri, following shootings there? Our BG-RRT chaplains ministered to hurting men and women after the tragedies in both cities.

Equipping a New Generation for Evangelism

A few weeks ago, we had the privilege of dedicating the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center. My father’s earthly ministry may be over, but his legacy of proclaiming the Gospel—and equipping others to do the same—will continue through this new state-of-the-art facility.

The Billy Graham Archive and Research Center is within walking distance of the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, North Carolina.

So many of the people who were close to my father joined me on this special day—his sister, Jean, and my Uncle Leighton, who served as an associate evangelist on my father’s Crusade team; my father’s pastor, Dr. Don Wilton; and his longtime executive assistant, Dr. David Bruce, who now serves as the executive vice president of the Billy Graham Library and the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center.

David read from Psalm 71, a portion of Scripture my father treasured to the end of his life: “God, You have taught me from my youth, and I still declare Your wondrous deeds. … God, do not abandon me, until I declare Your strength to this generation” (Psalm 71:17–18, NASB).

“Billy Graham’s life was shaped by telling people about the works of God,” said David. “Today we are in the shadow of Mr. Graham, and he continues to proclaim the Gospel to this generation and everyone that will follow until Jesus comes.”

The Billy Graham Archive and Research Center houses Billy Graham’s records, including his correspondence, sermon notes, and preaching Bibles.

The Archive and Research Center will serve students, pastors, evangelists, and researchers as they learn from my father’s global ministry. Like the Library, everything about the center—from my father’s records to the evangelism training we will offer—is designed to point people not to my father, but to the message he preached—“Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living” (Romans 14:9, ESV).

Will you join me in praying that God will use this new center to equip coming generations to carry the Good News to the ends of the earth?

One of Billy Graham’s sermon notebooks housed in the Billy Graham Archive and Research Center.

‘One in Christ Jesus’

We just completed our ninth and final evangelism summit of the year. My son Will was among the speakers at two of our three Canadian events, and he encouraged the pastors and church leaders in attendance to never falter in proclaiming the Gospel and pursue Christ-centered unity.

“Today is like gas on the fire,” said one young pastor at one of the Canadian summits. “That gas only makes the fire of evangelism greater and more contagious.”

Halfway around the world in Germany, leaders recently shared the same heart for unity—especially in the face of mounting progressivism. “What we see today [at the summit], some years ago, you could not dream of this … . Churches of different denominations coming together, having one vision to take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Germany,” said Cecil, a pastor at a local church. He and his wife emigrated from Nigeria more than 30 years ago and attended the evangelism summit together.

Events like these are often the catalyst for larger scale outreaches. In fact, next year I’m scheduled to preach the Good News during a Festival in Essen, Germany. Cecil and many of the other pastors who came to the summit are excited to be part of this Gospel outreach. “I know that God is about to do something in Germany,” said Cecil, “and the Gospel of Jesus Christ, it will spread like a wildfire.”

Churches from many denominations came together at evangelism summits in cities across the globe this year—including this one in Düsseldorf, Germany.

God Loves You Tour

As I write, I’m preparing for a Festival in Milan, Italy, followed by a three-city God Loves You Tour in New Zealand. The Milan Festival marks the culmination of nearly three years of preparation by hundreds of churches in Italy, and I’m eager to see how God works through their faithful dedication to evangelism.

Please also pray for the God Loves You Tour in New Zealand. I’m preparing to preach the Gospel in the country’s three largest cities—Auckland, Christchurch, and Wellington. This island nation is known for its stunning views—and for being one of the most secular and socially liberal countries in the world. Fewer than 1 in 10 New Zealanders regularly attend church. A recent study found that a shocking 20% don’t know anything about the church.

The vast majority of people in this country desperately need to hear the truth “that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3, ESV). Will you pray that many people in New Zealand hear and respond to the message of salvation? Please also ask God to strengthen those new believers and turn them into bold witnesses for Him.

Your prayers and support are critical to Gospel ministry like this. As we celebrate Thanksgiving in several weeks, we are especially grateful for friends like you who lift up this ministry to the Lord. Thank you for your heart to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

*Name changed to protect privacy.

May He richly bless you,

Franklin Graham
