Cissie Graham Lynch Interviews Her Father Franklin Graham on How to Face Uncertainty

By Janise Holmes   •   November 29, 2023

How should Christians respond in times of uncertainty?

“As a mom of little ones, I have a lot of concern,” Cissie Graham Lynch said on this week’s episode of her Fearless podcast. “There’s a war in Europe, war in the Middle East now.”

For this newest episode, Lynch sits down with her father Franklin Graham during his recent evangelistic Festival in Rome to discuss the instability of the world around us.

“We’re living in a very dangerous period of history, but the world is not coming to an end,” Franklin Graham said. “We don’t need to be afraid because we know who writes the last pages of history.”

The evangelist shared how God continues to work in the midst of chaotic times, such as when COVID-19 affected millions across the globe. During this time, the Italian government invited Franklin Graham to bring much-needed medical assistance there in one of the world’s early hotspots.

Franklin Graham explained how the difficult circumstances of 2020 paved the way for tens of thousands of people to hear the Gospel, first in Milan in 2022 and then this year in Rome. “He’ll use tragedy in our life … to bring us closer to Him.”

“God used that moment of responding in a time of need, in a dark storm. But He was using it … for His good,” said Lynch, encouraging listeners to continue trusting God through these uncertain times.

Listen to the full episode.