
By   •   July 15, 2023   •   Topics:


The lines of truth are not clear any more. The church once preached that there is only one way to God, but because this doesn’t fit in with popular belief (that we can all have our own truth), the lines are very gray. Has the church been enlightened, thereby broadening the way to salvation?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

There are many today not old enough to remember July 20, 1969. On that historic day, American astronauts astonished the world with their spectacularly successful first visit to the moon. They were able to succeed because they steered the Apollo 11 craft along a very narrow trajectory through space. No deviation was permitted, and flight corrections were made periodically throughout the historic voyage.

Now suppose the NASA control center in Houston had received word from Apollo 11 that the astronauts were off course and had replied, “Oh, that’s all right. A number of roads lead to the moon. Just keep on the way you are going.” We know they would have kept going—but they never would have come back.

People don’t like the word narrow, but Jesus clearly said there are two roads to the future for all of us: the broad way that leads to destruction and Hell; but the narrow way leads to Heaven, and few find it. Every person needs to answer this question: Which road are you on?

God’s people are transformed—set apart—to be witnesses to the Light of the world, Jesus Christ. This is still the age of grace. God’s offer of forgiveness and a new life still stands. However, the door will one day be closed. Someday it will be too late. This is why the Bible continually warns and challenges, “Now is the accepted time [of salvation]” (2 Corinthians 6:2).

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

Invite Christ into your heart. Pray now.