
By   •   September 13, 2022   •   Topics:


It’s troubling to see the overwhelming focus on the internet, cellphones, and social platforms that consume one of our greatest resources—time. People are so busy expressing their thoughts, troubles, and accomplishments. Isn’t this indicative of super egos?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Each generation tends to be a “me” generation, since selfishness is part of human nature. A child says, “It’s mine.” A teenager centers on his insecurities. An adult proclaims, “Look out for Number One.” Selfishness is part of human nature. Today, advertising and “pop” psychology have raised self-centeredness to state-of-the-art levels.

Two conflicting forces cannot exist in one human heart. Where selfishness rules, there love cannot dwell. When Christ fills our hearts, it puts selfishness on the run. Our personalities, our intelligence, and our capabilities are gifts from God’s own bountiful hand. If we divert their use for our own profit, we become guilty of selfishness.

People are conscious of “self,” and it’s important to have a right understanding of our value—that God loved us so much that He died to bring salvation to the human race. Each person develops best when he or she begins to see themselves as God sees them, as people who are so valuable to Him that He wants to cleanse them of sin and make them children of God. But that doesn’t mean that mankind should worship self, to think constantly of self, and live entirely for self. God is infinitely more concerned about your happiness than you could possibly be. He says, “Deny yourself, and follow Me.” The Bible tells us to think more of others than ourselves and plead for their salvation, asking God to lead them to Christ.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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