
By   •   January 1, 2019   •   Topics: ,


During a Christmas service the pastor spoke about the meekness of the Lord. How is this possible when the Bible says that He is all powerful?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Many people confuse the word “meek” with weak. While they may rhyme, these are two very different words that bear scrutiny in order to clarify the meaning of Bible verses that speak of meekness.

The dictionary says that the word meek means “mild, submissive, and compliant.” William Barclay points out that the Greek word for “meek” was the word which was often used to describe an animal which had been tamed to obey the command of its master. A strong animal like a horse or ox, able to do a great deal of work, is not “weak”—but through training is made “meek,” obedient to the will of its owner. A tame horse contributes much more to life than a wild one. Energy out of control is dangerous; energy under control is powerful.

That is a vivid picture of what Jesus means by “meekness.” When we are apart from Christ we are, in a sense, like a wild animal. We live according to our own desires and wishes, obeying our own instincts and ruling our own lives. But when we come to Christ our goal is different. Now we want to live for Him and do His will. This, after all, is God’s will for us—to be obedient—and He has given us His Word to help us do this.

The Bible says, “Receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls” (James 1:21). When our lives are marked by true meekness, we will know true happiness.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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