Iowans Take Hold of Hope

02:26   •   July 16, 2024

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) chaplains are serving in Spencer, Iowa, where torrential rains killed one person and left many with devastating flood damage.

“My father was clinging to his refrigerator for three hours before he was rescued,” shared one shaken resident.

Where is God in difficult circumstances like these?

Chaplains have witnessed Iowans discovering for the first time that God is right with them even in the midst of pain.

“Our teams [are] bringing hope to people who have lost hope,” explained Ken Williamson, a BG-RRT chaplain coordinator.

“We are able to give them that emotional and spiritual care that they really do need.”

Will you pray for Iowa residents who suffered loss in this historic flood, and for chaplains as they continue to encourage them in Jesus Christ?