New Podcast Series: ‘God’s Presence in Disaster’

By   •   March 1, 2022

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team offers emotional and spiritual care in times of crisis, including December's deadly tornadoes in Kentucky (pictured).

Can your faith withstand anything?

Hear from people who have faced terrifying crises—tornadoes, hurricanes and fires—and how their relationship with God has transpired on the podcast, GPS: God. People. Stories.

“One thing that I’ve learned is the very storms that … rock our world, God walks on them. They’re under His feet,” said Tim Allred, whose wife barely survived a deadly twister in Kentucky.

Every Wednesday this month, the Billy Graham Radio team will release a new episode in this series centered around three disasters that crisis-trained chaplains from the Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) deployed to in 2021 and 2022.

The first covers Tim Allred, along with his wife, Angie Stanfield. Tim was out of town and on the phone with his wife when their home was destroyed—with Angie inside.

“I was screaming out to God that I knew I was dying. I kept saying, ‘God, I’m dying. I’m dying,'” Angie recalled.

But she lived.

The stories of survival continue with the Ramos family’s survival of January’s deadly apartment fire in New York City’s Bronx borough.

“We’re trapped. The smoke is getting really bad,” said Rosie Ramos, who survived the blaze with the help of God, surgical masks and firemen. During the podcast, she shares about her neighbors who didn’t make it—and how difficult it’s been to grieve their loss.

“Out of all the years of being a Christian, I try not to question God,” Ramos said. “I just thank Him for His mercy.”

The final testimony in this series covers the Flair family—who first suffered damage to their home from Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and were hit again by last year’s Hurricane Ida. They faced another loss when their son died while in the military in 2020, and Hurricane Zeta blew through and interfered with their funeral plans.

Don’t miss the opportunity to hear from these unique perspectives—and equip your mind and faith for life’s storms.

Listen to the first episode of “God’s Presence in Disaster”