Parents Need to Take the Wheel

By   •   February 8, 2022   •   Topics: , ,

Cissie Graham Lynch with her husband, Corey and their children, Margaret and Austin. Lynch's Fearless podcast features stories and wisdom on having a fearless faith in a compromising culture.

Before going to sleep on New Year’s Eve, Cissie Graham Lynch asked God for a word.

His answer: “Prayer.”

In her latest Fearless podcast, Lynch shared a personal story of how God answered a years-long prayer. She had prayed that in God’s timing her children, 8-year-old Margaret and 5-year-old Austin, would choose to follow Christ.

She has also prayed for them on a daily basis: “Lord, take care of our children. Help them to have a good night’s sleep, [and] do well in school.

“[There’s] nothing wrong with those prayers,” she said. But between a crazy culture and spiritual warfare, she recently felt the need to be more intentional about helping lead her children spiritually.

Inspired by a book she read, Lynch started plugging Margaret and Austin’s names in life-giving Scriptures as she prayed. God also put on her heart to talk to them often about faith and God’s Word.

>>Listen to the entire podcast.

Driving her kids to school on January 3, Lynch turned down the radio. “Austin, what are you learning in school about the Bible? Have you learned about sin?

She then explained to him how God will forgive our sins if we ask Him. And the promise of heaven that we’ll receive.

Austin grew quiet at first, then asked, “Mom, have I ever asked God to forgive me?”

Lynch said, ‘No, you haven’t, buddy. … But would you like to?’” He said, “Yes ma’am, I want to.”

“So, in the car, my little son in kindergarten [in] the first week of 2022, asked God to forgive him and asked Jesus into his life,” Lynch recalled.

“And it was the sweetest moment because after God had whispered to me … just a few days before, it was like God was just affirming … that He has them in His hand, and He’s going to take care of them.”

Little Pockets of Time

One verse that Lynch focuses on in her latest devotional, Fearless Family, is 1 Peter 3:15.

“In your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.”

While this verse encourages Christians to share their faith with others, it’s also for parents, she explained.

“It is so important that we are intentional with our time to evangelize to our children,” Lynch said. “Our children need to hear the hope of Jesus.”

>> Buy Cissie Graham Lynch’s latest devotional, Fearless Family.

They’ll have questions, too, she realizes, and advises parents to be in God’s Word. So when kids ask spiritual questions, parents will be ready with answers. Or for the really deep questions, they’ll be able to explain how God will reveal certain answers in heaven.

These don’t have to be long conversations. Seizing little pockets of time is the key, Lynch advised.

Like in the car or at bedtime, when they become little chatterboxes, she said.

“And God will use those sweet moments to work in their lives,” she explained. “They might seem very small and simple to you, but they are going to have a huge impact on your kids.

“Just like that sweet morning with my car ride with Austin.”

In her latest podcast, Cissie Graham Lynch offers this encouragement to parents:

“If you’re a parent that’s been praying for your child for two years or if you’ve been praying for your children for 20 years and God has not answered, do not give up. He is faithful; His ear is inclined to you. And He is listening, and He’s got a time. He’s not done with your child yet. He’s working in their lives.”

Do you want to be closer to Christ? Pray now.