Got Stuff? Your Non-Cash Items Can Help Spread the Gospel

By   •   February 6, 2015

You can now donate cars, vans, gift cards, jewelry and more through the iDonate program.

That ’96 Oldsmobile you inherited could be doing a lot more than taking up valuable real estate in your garage.

Don’t have a spare car sitting around? What about gift cards, a collector’s item, or a cell phone you no longer use? These could all be your way of helping people around the world get to know Jesus Christ.

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association has partnered with iDonate to make it easier for supporters to make non-cash donations to the ministry—opening the door for some not-so-traditional ways of giving.

Typically, about 10 percent of a person’s wealth is in cash, according to iDonate.

Find Out What Items You Can Give Today


“Using those funds alone limits the ability to make large gifts, though the donor may have a high affinity and passion for the ministry,” explained Ed Isley, director of regional managers at BGEA.

The remaining 90 percent, usually wrapped up in other stuff like cars, homes, jewelry and electronics, is valuable and often untapped.

“Gifts ranging from baseball card collections to coins to jewelry to vehicles to vacation homes to business interests—and almost everything in between—can be considered for gifting to the ministry,” Isley explained. “The donor’s desire to support the ministry has greater options than they may be aware of.”

Those wanting to make non-cash, online gifts to BGEA visit a special page listing accepted items. Some donations, such as real estate, boats, and artwork, may need extra approval. Once the item is given, iDonate then sells the item on behalf of BGEA and sends the ministry the proceeds.

Donors are essential to BGEA, and the idea is this unique platform will help expand giving to include those who may not have extra cash to give.

“Heaven is free, but telling people about heaven is not free,” Isley said. “Ministry is costly.”

He added that giving is also linked to investing in other ways—such as prayer.

“We tend to pray more for the ministries that we financially support. And the prayers of God’s people are essential,” Isley said. “We all are aware of Mr. Graham’s passion and desire for this ministry to be supported in prayer, and that just tends to happen more when we send gifts as well.”

For some, it’s easy to believe their donation won’t make much of a difference to a ministry as established as the 60-plus-year BGEA. But this couldn’t be further from the truth.

“How many times in Scripture do we see the Lord using the small, the ordinary, to accomplish the big and extraordinary?” Isley asked. “God uses all gifts given freely to Him for His use. And more than just financial gifts.”

Make your non-cash donation online, or for questions regarding non-cash gifts, contact Donor Ministries at 1-877-247-2426.