Thousands of Pastors in Mexico Challenged to Live Boldly for Christ

By Enrique Baldeon   •   November 21, 2019

On November 19, more than 3,100 faith leaders and their spouses met in Mexico City for the Extreme Faithfulness Pastor's Conference. Mexico City is among the largest cities in the world, but it has one of the lowest percentages per capita of Christians in the Americas. This conference historically brought hundreds of believers together for worship, prayer and fellowship.
The one-day event encouraged and challenged city pastors ahead of Franklin Graham's 2021 Festival of Hope (Festival de Esperanza).
"The spiritual darkness is thick, and the sense of need for the Gospel is strong," said Chris Swanson, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's (BGEA) director of Latin America affairs (pictured above left). "Pastors regularly express that an awakening is overdue. The strong belief is that the Festival of Hope with Franklin Graham will be the turning point for the Gospel in a very [spiritually] oppressed city." >> Do you have a clear understanding of the Gospel? Know God today.
David Ruiz, an associate evangelist for the BGEA in Latin America, was among the speakers at the conference. Other speakers came from the United States, Spain and Panama.
The day-long event focused on topics including pastoral calling, the Word, family, church and evangelism.
A meaningful time of worship was led by seven-time Dove Award winner Steve Green.
"Extreme faithfulness is not blindly fanatical or mindlessly adherent to an idea or cause," said Viktor Hamm, BGEA’s vice president of Crusade ministries. "Extreme faithfulness is a conscious, willful clinging to the Person of Christ."
The pastors in attendance represent more than 1,800 churches committed to being fully involved in Mexico City's June 2021 Festival. While the evangelistic event is many months away, planning is already well under way.
The thirst among Mexico City churches for the Gospel was spurred in part by Franklin Graham’s October 2018 visit to the country. More than 53,000 people attended the Monterrey Festival of Hope.
"A Festival is effective only to the degree of involvement from the local church," Swanson said. "[This conference] opens the door to unity and a clear path to mobilize congregations." Join us in praying for believers in Mexico City who are living boldly for Christ in the midst of spiritual oppression.