The Journey of Dwight Barrows

By   •   April 5, 2011

Dwight Barrows (right) shakes the hand of Cliff Barrows on Saturday. Cliff played a part in leading Dwight to the Lord back in 1976.
Dwight Barrows changed his name to honor in his mind two great Christian influences: Dwight L. Moody and Cliff Barrows.
A pass to the 1976 Billy Graham Crusade in Pontiac, Mich.
Many people came forward to receive Christ during the 1976 Crusade.
Many people came forward to receive Christ during the 1976 Crusade.
When an earnest young man from Romania became an American citizen in 1978, he also chose a new name
Dwight Barrows on the day of his baptism in Oct. 1976.