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Moms and Daughters Empowered and Encouraged as They Bond Over Brunch
BGEA Admin
June 4, 2022
Moms and Daughters Empowered and Encouraged as They Bond Over Brunch
Billy Graham Library
, which reopens to the public this summer, hosted a mother-daughter brunch on June 4 at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. The packed room was full of women eager to set a good example for the young ladies in their lives. Franklin Graham's daughter and mother of two Cissie Graham Lynch (right) hosted the event, with special guest and fellow mom Erin Weidemann, a five-time cancer survivor and founder of Truth Becomes Her, which equips women to step into their unique leadership roles.
"As parents, according to Deuteronomy, that is our No. 1 primary responsibility we have as parents, is the spiritual impact we have on our children," Lynch shared. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 says, "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise" (ESV).
"Girl power" is a common phrase, but during the brunch, young girls were reminded that their power and identity come from Christ, and He loves them more than they can imagine.
Weidemann is author of the Bible Belles series for young readers. The series highlights strong female characters in the Bible: Hannah, Esther, Abigail, Ruth and Deborah. The books follow modern-day Rooney Cruz—named after Weidemann's daughter Rooney—and how these Biblical women demonstrated the power of prayer, patience, bravery, loyalty and leadership.
Signing a copy of her book as a special addition to this precious gift.
Trying to keep the line of communication open? Create a space where your children feel comfortable talking to you, Weidemann suggested, and show you aren't too busy for them. "Sometimes it's not about the exact right words; it's just about being there, being that presence—that calm, reassuring presence."
Weidemann encouraged the women in the audience—mothers, grandmothers, aunts and others—to be positive role models and mentors to the young girls in their lives. Think of the impact on future generations, she told each audience member, when we "commit to the discipleship and strategic leadership of these girls I've been given, that God has granted me this opportunity for such a time as this."
Each attendee had the chance to create a special necklace with words such as "trust," "brave," "hope," "beautiful," "grace" and "enough."
"My mom is a huge spiritual impact on my children, and my grandmother, Ruth Graham, had a huge spiritual impact on my mother's life and on my life," Lynch said, adding that conversations around the dinner table and during car rides "can be your greatest mission field." Lynch is also host of the
podcast on having a fearless faith in a compromising culture. Episodes cover issues of family, current events and cultural challenges.
Listen here.
The hundreds who came represented multiple generations, all sowing into the lives of the younger ones.
Other upcoming events hosted by the Billy Graham Library include a men's dinner, as well as a book signing with Ben Carson, both in July.
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