Meeting Jesus Along Route 66

By   •   September 26, 2021

Large crowd of people at Oklahoma City Capitol in background
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, was the fourth stop on the God Loves You Tour with Franklin Graham. The eight-city Route 66 Gospel-sharing mission culminates in San Bernardino, California, on October 2.
Couple raising hands in worship
About 4,600 people swayed to the music and many raised their hands in worship during sets from Dennis Agajanian, Marcos Witt and Newsboys.
Franklin Graham preaching
Franklin Graham stated two truths from the Bible that everyone needs to know: “Everything we have was created by the Lord Jesus Christ and He has the power to forgive your sins.”
God Loves You Tour volunteer smiling
One woman beams as she worships with other believers.
Michael Tait and Marcos Witt
Michael Tait of Newsboys and Marcos Witt harmonizing. In between songs, Tait talked about how COVID is a season when God is reseeding our hearts; a time to sit still and listen to Him.
Little girl dancing
This little cutie danced around much of the night.
Dennis Agajanian playing guitar
“Jesus Christ is a greater Savior than you are a sinner. He loves you so much, He can’t take his eyes off you.” Oklahomans loved musical artist Dennis Agajanian. He paused from time to time, letting the crowd sing back the lyrics, praising God.
Nighttime shot of stage with capitol in background
Franklin Graham shared a message from Luke 7 in the Bible about a woman—a known sinner—who wept when she saw Jesus and poured perfume on His feet. The Son of God forgave her sins and He'll forgive yours, too, if you tell Him you’re sorry and ask Him into your heart and life.
God Loves You Tour buses in Oklahoma City
Rolling down Route 66, these God Loves You Tour buses proclaim, “I am the way, the truth and the life,” from John 14:6. Here, they arrive in Oklahoma City.
Memorial wall, reflection pool, chairs
The empty chairs to the left of this reflection pool represent the 168 people, including 19 children, who died in the Oklahoma City truck bombing at the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building on April 19, 1995, shortly after 9 a.m.
People hands raised making decisions; counselors
Many stood to make decisions for Christ Saturday night. Trained prayer volunteers stood near to pray with them and answer any questions.
Oklahoma State Capitol
Oklahoma’s state capitol building is the only capitol with an oil well directly underneath it. Dubbed the “Petunia Number One,” this well was drilled through a flowerbed in 1941.
Road sign with "Amarillo" and "Oklahoma City"
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to keep moving along Route 66 as the God Loves You Tour leaves Oklahoma City and heads to Amarillo, Texas.