Hundreds Hear Message of God’s Faithfulness at Ladies Tea and Tour

By   •   April 20, 2015

Woman raising hands
Hundreds of women came out for the Billy Graham Library's 8th annual Ladies Tea and Tour, many with friends and family in tow. The tea was held at the BGEA headquarters, with a Library tour that followed. The women enjoyed worship and a message of encouragement.
Amber Brantly at table
Amber Brantly is a missionary and the wife of Dr. Kent Brantly, a Samaritan's Purse doctor who contracted the deadly Ebola virus last year while serving in Liberia. She was the guest speaker and talked to the women about God's faithfulness.
Woman listening
One guest listens intently as Amber Brantly speaks.
Two women praying
Two women pray before enjoying some finger foods at the Ladies Tea.
Ladies in picture
Posing for a picture beside a Library bookstore display.
Choir singing
An ensemble from the International Community Mass Choir of Charlotte led the women in worship. Many of those in the full choir are originally from Liberia, where Kent and Amber Brantly previously served as missionaries.
Women with tea
Sorting out which tea to try.
Women smiling
Guests spanned generations with many bringing younger attendees to enjoy the Tea.
Girl looking at program
Taking a peek at the program.
Ladies in hats
Dressed up for the occasion.
Table praying
Joining in prayer before the meal.
Amber Brantly speaking
Amber Brantly said God had prepared her through smaller trials to face a much bigger trial while serving overseas. Her family garnered worldwide media attention when her husband contracted and ultimately survived Ebola. She said she's waiting on God's timing to begin a new missionary journey with her family.
Woman crying
Amber's message touched many women as she talked about God's faithfulness through everyday trials.
Choir picture
One girl wanted her picture with the choir, which provided moving worship during the Ladies Tea.