Is Happiness Obtainable?
True happiness is really called joy, and it comes to those who delight in the things of the Lord and to those who meditate on God’s Word—and obey it!
How Can I Believe in a God Who Allows Suffering?
Even with accusations hurled at God, He never changes.
Will a Person Who Dies Ever Live Again?
There is life after death. Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the life. … Whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die.”
What Is the Most Important Institution in the World?
Satan’s attacking the family as never before. What should our defenses against such attacks be?
I’m a Christian But Prefer to Live a Solitary Life. Is This Wrong?
Truth flows from God to the believer and out to others who cross our paths.
What Does It Mean to Be Spiritually Blind?
There’s a wonderful world of joy, light, harmony, peace, and satisfaction to which millions of persons are blind and deaf.
What Are the Fruits of the Spirit? How Does a Person Receive These?
As we grow in Christ and put Him on the throne of our lives, God’s Spirit becomes dominate in our thinking and in our actions.
How Important Is It to Be Ready for Death?
The most important question to answer is where we’ll spend eternity, because every person will someday die.
How Does a Decision to Follow Christ Change a Person’s Life?
Intellectual acceptance of Christ or an emotional experience is not enough.
My Son and His Girlfriend Are Having a Baby. How Do I Communicate the Importance of God’s Plan for Marriage and Forgiveness?
God forgives, redeems, and transforms humbled souls but that doesn’t mean He grants forgiveness automatically.
What Is the Secret for Having a Harmonious, Happy Home?
The home is the foundation of any society.
My Husband and I Are Planning to Divorce. How Did This Happen to Us?
Genuine love is not based on feelings but the fact of commitment.