How Do I Talk to My Friends About God?
We should tell people the whole truth: God took upon Himself human flesh and became a man—a fact that should stagger our imagination.
Why Does God Allow People to Suffer?
Even when we can’t totally understand why God allows things like this to happen, He can still be trusted to do what is right.
Isn’t Faith Just a Crutch for Christians?
Our inner sense of right and wrong, our ability to love and to reason—all bear witness to the fact that God created us in His image.
How Can I Find Happiness?
The world makes a lot of empty promises concerning happiness—what it looks like and how to obtain it.
Why Doesn’t God Bless Me?
Faith points us beyond our problems to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.
How Do You Spend Your Time?
The Bible tells us to use our time wisely and with great care.
Can You Really ‘Forgive and Forget’ Like the Bible says?
What is impossible with people is possible with God.
What Is the Message of the Bible?
The message of the Bible is the story of salvation through Jesus—and the whole world needs to know this story.
How Can I Resist Satan’s Attacks?
We must not be pawns of the devil, but servants of Christ.
What Does it Mean When People Say, ‘This May Be Your Gethsemane’?
The garden of Gethsemane is at the base of the Mount of Olives outside the gates of Jerusalem.
How Can I Clearly Share the Gospel?
The Spirit of God will go ahead of us when we witness—preparing the way, giving us the words, and granting us courage to speak His truth.
How Do I Encourage Someone Who Is Doubting Their Faith?
When we take a stand for God and mean it, some of our friends will drift away.