Why Do Christians Believe in Eternal Life Since Even Jesus Said the World Will End?
This climactic event of history is yet in the future. It will be sudden and final, the culmination of the ages.
If God Is Good, Why Does the Bible Include so Many Stories of His Judgment?
They show us how sinful man needs God and His redemptive work in Christ. They tell us of many who accepted Him and were transformed.
Who in the Bible Lived the Longest?
In the centuries before Noah and the flood, the Bible tells us God gave great longevity to His servants.
Has There Been a Cultural Change in How Grieving Over Death Is Handled?
With rapid changes in technology, communication, and lifestyles, the world created its breathless race into the future, and things such as funerals have changed.
Can Angels Ever be Seen by Humans?
The history of virtually all nations and cultures reveals at least some belief in angelic beings.
Is a Marriage Relationship Similar to a Relationship With God?
As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so God rejoices over His people—those who live for Him in obedience to His commands.
Isn’t Evolution a Viable Way for Mankind to Come Into Existence?
Why should people trust what mere humans say rather than what infinite God declares: “So God created man in His own image” (Genesis 1:27)?
Why Should I Believe the Bible Over Philosophy?
No other book in the world utters such accurate prophecy as the Bible.
Why Should I Follow Christ if Life Still Offers Challenges?
The peace that Jesus spoke of tells of an inner peace. This is different from a problem-free life.
What Does the Bible Mean That God Blesses the Poor in Spirit?
Happiness, Jesus said, comes from admitting our spiritual poverty and then asking Him to come into our lives.
Will God Really Judge Every Person?
We must all be ready to meet Him in the right way, by belonging to Him as Savior and Lord, and receiving His eternal blessing.
What Is a Christian?
The moment we receive Him, our names our written in the Book of Life.