Does the Bible Use Trees as a Way to Explain God’s Truth?
It is no accident that the Bible speaks of trees, even urging us to grow spiritual roots that are deep and strong.
What Does it Mean That the Church Is the Body of Christ on Earth?
All of these who have quietly and faithfully worked behind the scenes will be rewarded by the Lord Himself someday.
How Do I Explain What Truth Really Is to My Friends?
The great all-prevailing truth stands for time and eternity. ... His name is Faithful and True (Revelation 19:11), and He will reign from the City of Truth (Zechariah 8:3).
What Does the Phrase ‘the Common Grace of God’ Mean?
It is hard to believe that anyone would reject such grace and such love, but millions do.
Why Hasn’t Jesus Come Back Yet?
While only God knows when this will take place, we are told to be ready.
How Can I Help a Young Married Couple Who Are Having Trouble?
The most important thing anyone can do for a young couple is introduce them to Jesus Christ if they don’t know Him, and then diligently pray for them daily and lead them to search out Scriptural truth.
Why Doesn’t God Ever Answer Prayers the Way I Want Him to?
God doesn’t always give us the answer we may want, but He always answers us for what is best because only He knows our future.
It Depresses Me When I Compare My Life to Others. Where Can I Find Help?
When people begin to have these thoughts it is critically important to seek help, because there is help—and most certainly there is hope in God.
Caught Up in the Christmas Shopping Frenzy?
Use the opportunity to worship God through the stewardship of the resources He has given you. Shop wisely for Christmas gifts.
Why Don’t My Parents Understand I Need My Friends and Independence?
The Bible tells parents not to provoke their children, but also stresses the importance of children honoring their parents.
How to Get Through Thanksgiving When You’re Grieving
Billy Graham once wrote: "One of the best ways to deal with our grief is to be with others—even if it's hard."
What Biblical Wisdom Can I Pass on to My Granddaughter?
When people desire to honor the Lord in such important decisions, He provides wisdom to do what’s right.