What’s the Key to Enjoying the Bible?
Learning to enjoy the Bible is to open the Word of God and read His truth and sense its application to daily life.
What Is the Origin of Guilt?
The Bible teaches that all have broken God’s laws, and guilt is inescapable.
Why Do People Reject the Truth of Jesus Christ?
Scripture warns that multitudes will reject that message, and we see that happening today.
How Do I Teach Students What Truth Is?
Until we accept God’s love and forgiveness, until we actually possess true peace with God, no one can describe its wonders to the fullest.
How Can I Stay Encouraged When Friends Make Fun of My Values?
The greatest thing Christians can do is live the truth of Christ before the world and pray for the lost ... .
How Can I Live an Exciting Life?
What a thrilling future for those of us who know that someday we will populate the kingdom of God.
Isn’t It Important to Have a Strong Bond With Yourself?
Thinking of others can be an antidote to unhealthy introspection.
How Do We Raise Happy Children?
Children need to be taught the Scripture, replacing what the world teaches with the things of God.
Is It Right to Pretend Everything’s OK When It Isn’t?
When we are in trouble, we need a friend. Jesus is that friend, and He understands our sorrow and grief.
Why Did People in the Bible Have to Endure Terrible Circumstances Before God Used Them?
God may sometimes seem slow in coming to help us, but He never comes too late.
What’s the Difference Between What Cults and Religions Worship?
Whatever period of history or culture we examine, all peoples— primitive or modern—acknowledge some kind of deity.
Why Does Our Culture Talk About a Broken Heart?
The heart symbolizes the center of our moral, spiritual, and intellectual life.