Why Are Some Politicians Purposely Deceitful in Their Message?
Pray today for our world and its leaders to recognize the peace that only comes from God.
Can God Really Keep Track of Every Prayer That’s Uttered?
There is nothing too small or too big to bring before God.
How Did the Whole World Once Flood?
There is a limit to God’s patience (see Genesis 6:3).
What Does the Bible Say About Hell?
Because it’s not preached much anymore, few people seem to believe in Hell.
What Difference Does It Make to Pray for Someone?
The real question here is, “How big is God?”
Why Should We Be Generous Toward Others?
We must never forget that everything we have has been given to us by God.
What Does the Death and Resurrection of Christ Mean for Us?
Only the Lord has conquered death and made it a source of freedom where it once brought only fear.
Why Are Some People so Prideful?
In our culture, we hear a lot about the inferiority complex, but the superiority complex is seldom spoken of.
Is the End of the World Near?
Threatening world events should not be a source of anxiety to true believers who are trusting in Christ as their personal Savior.
Why Is the Bible Filled With Mysteries?
Heaven will be a place where mysteries will be unveiled.
I’m Answering God’s Call to Pastor But My Sermons Aren’t Effective
Every preacher should pray that God will give him a tender heart for the people he preaches to.
Does the Bible Contradict Itself?
The Bible says, “Do not fear, for I am with you” (Genesis 26:24). But the Bible also says, “Fear God and keep his commandments” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).