Why Is the Human Race so Shallow and Discontent?
Life is filled with decisions, and the greatest decision—at any age—is to realize the need for God.
Why Is There Such a Big Chasm Between Man and God?
The chasm that separates imperfect man from perfect God is emphasized all through the Scriptures.
Why Do Some Pastors Preach so Much on Sin?
Ministers are to warn people of God’s judgment and tell them of God’s love.
As a Christian, How Do I Handle Temptation?
Don’t savor temptations, don’t dwell on them or toy with them or replay them over in your mind.
Will I Go to Heaven? I Go to Church
Every person needs to answer this question: Which road are you on?
What Does ‘Conversion’ Mean in the Christian Faith?
In order to get to Heaven, Jesus said that we must be converted.
Why do Christians Insist That Jesus Was Divine?
Jesus Himself claimed He was divine: “I and the Father are one” (John 10:30, NIV).
Is a ‘No’ From God Really a Blessing?
This may not seem apparent at the time, but the Lord leads those who look for His guidance.
Does God Determine Everything That Happens to Us or Can We Make Our Own Decisions?
God is in control of everything, but we’re also responsible for our actions.
What Does it Mean to Have Childlike Faith?
The Bible tells believers that we are not to remain little children but “come to the unity of the faith. ..."
Does Satan Know He Will Be Defeated One Day?
Satan totally rejects everything about God—including His promises.
What Happens to People Who Live for Themselves?
Scripture declares, “The fool has said in his heart, ‘There is no God’” (Psalm 14:1).