Is Greed Taking Over the World?
What people think about money reveals what they think about God.
Is Thanksgiving About Thanking God—or Food and Shopping?
This holiday is a national acknowledgement of almighty God, reminding us that everything comes from His hand.
Why Are Some Christians Focused on Themselves and not God?
The Bible speaks of deceptions in the last days. “Perilous times will come. [People] will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, ..."
God’s Gift of Salvation Is Free
Salvation costs us nothing, because Jesus paid the price with His blood.
How Can I Find Inner Peace?
Until you actually possess true peace with God, no one can describe its wonders to you.
Why Do People Talk About God’s Love—But Not the Salvation He Offers?
From a spiritual view, many reject rescue because they don’t want to humble themselves.
What Is My Purpose in Life?
Turning to Christ and serving Him will bring purpose and joy.
Should We Adopt a Child Even Though We’re Older?
Believe God for His provision and be tuned into what He may have in store.
What Did the Apostle Paul Mean by ‘The Unknown God?’
The great Apostle Paul stood before the people of the great city of Athens and declared the unknown God to all those listening.
How Do You Prove the Mysteries of God?
If God can be fully proved by the human mind, then He is no greater than the mind that proves Him.
How Can Christians Stay Christ-Minded in a Distracted World?
God says our thinking must be shaped by His truth.
Why Is the World So Full of Evil?
Jesus said the basic problem is in our hearts—and the reason is because we are alienated from our Creator.