How Can I Be Popular Without Compromising My Beliefs?
Many Christians would prefer to hear the crowd say about them, “What a great guy or gal,” rather than Jesus say, “Well done, good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:23, NKJV).
Will God Hold Me Accountable for my Sins?
The devil is a liar and he tells people to ignore their sin.
Are the Ten Commandments Still Relevant?
They reflect the moral character of God and they also provide the foundation of right living with others.
What Does it Mean to Be Filled With the Holy Spirit?
When we come to Christ, the Spirit comes to dwell within us—whether we are aware of His presence or not.
Should Christians Only Work in Ministry?
People watch to see what Christians are attached to and where we set our affections.
How Can My Family Get Along Better?
Often we’ll show grace to those outside our home but fail to give grace to those we love most.
Was the First War in Heaven With the Angels?
Even as in the beginning of time angelic forces waged war in Heaven (see Revelation 12:7–9), so in the very last days angels will wage still another war.
Can You Love Jesus But Not Be Saved?
For a person just to say they are “believing in Jesus” can produce a false assurance of salvation, because even the devil “believes in Jesus.”
Why Are So Many People Morally and Spiritually Bankrupt?
People often look for shortcuts to happiness. The lust for immediate pleasure prompts us to think of evil as good.
What Does Retirement Hold?
Life is full of changes, but one of the greatest comes with retirement.
How Do Children Learn From Their Parents?
They will learn far more by watching than by just listening.
Why Did God Destroy Civilization With a Great Flood?
“Archaeology Substantiates Noah’s Flood,” said the London Times in 1929.