
By   •   July 3, 2023   •   Topics:


Since attending an evangelistic meeting recently, I sense a nudging to offer my services in some way to my church, but I feel inadequate to teach the Bible, though I am a high school history teacher. Since my education is not in religion, should I look for another way to serve?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

When God speaks through His Word to a person about serving Him in a particular way, He will supply all that is needed to fulfill that calling. Some are called to teach a Bible class, but many do not feel equipped to do so.

God wants us to bring all of our concerns to Him in prayer. This is how He grows us up. When we search the Scriptures for direction and commit our thoughts to prayer, the Holy Spirit guides and directs, but we have to be looking for His way along our journey.

As we respond to God with a “yes” to proclaim His truth, we must rely on His power and wisdom to direct us. “Be obedient … doing the will of God from the heart … doing service, as to the Lord” (Ephesians 6:5–7). This cannot be done without reading and studying His Word.

The knowledge of God’s message to us is an essential tool for any aspect of service in His Name. By taking this step of faith, He opens our minds with understanding. God’s power is made perfect in our weakness (see 2 Corinthians 12:9). When we read the many Bible accounts of Noah, Moses, Gideon, Peter, and Paul, we see that God never calls people into His service without equipping them. When we take our eyes, ears, hands, feet, and heart and give them completely to Christ, He will bless the work done in His Name.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

Have you surrendered your life to Christ? Pray now.