
By   •   July 7, 2022   •   Topics:


I’m a Christian but I disagree with the teaching about the narrow road—a rejection of all that is exciting about life. I can still be a follower of Christ but take part in all the world has to offer, right?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

When American astronauts astonished the human race with their spectacular first visit to the moon, they took Apollo 11 on a very narrow trajectory through space.

Now suppose the NASA control center in Houston had received word from Apollo 11 that the astronauts were off course, and Houston had replied, “Oh, that’s all right. There are a number of roads leading to the moon. Just keep on the way you’re going!” The fact is, they could have kept going, but they would never have come back.

People don’t like the word “narrow,” but Jesus said there are two roads to the future life for all of us—Heaven or Hell. He taught the way to Hell is broad, but the way to Heaven is narrow, and “there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:14). Christ didn’t divide men and women into rich and poor, black and white, or educated and uneducated. He described the human race as either being on the broad road or on the narrow road and each person must decide which road they will travel to eternity.

What do these roads look like? The broad road looks fun and adventurous: sex, gluttony, drugs, deceit, etc., and there are many people who go to church that travel this road also. People who think they’re on their way to Heaven are traveling in the opposite direction. It may seem right to people to get out of life all they can, but the Bible says, “There is a way that seems right … but its end is the way of death” (Proverbs 14:12).

Choosing the narrow road may be lonely at times, but it’s the right road that leads to everlasting life in Heaven.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

It is a choice. Have you chosen Christ?