By Billy Graham • April 21, 2006 • Topics: Marriage
Ruth and I were married in 1943, and I will always be grateful for the many years God has given us together. Even in this latter part of our lives, our love for each other continues to grow stronger. I often think of God’s words before He created Eve to be Adam’s wife: “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him” (Genesis 2:18). Through the years, Ruth has been this to me—and more.
There is much I could say—but the most important advice I could ever give you is to make Christ the center and the foundation of your life together. Ruth has often said that a good marriage actually takes three people: the husband, the wife—and God. Make sure of your commitment to Christ, and make His love the heartbeat of your marriage.
What difference can Christ make in your marriage? First, He will give you a new love for each other—a love based not on your own selfish needs and desires, but on what you can do to help each other. This type of love—the type Christ has for us—will make you kind and considerate, instead of demanding or harsh.
In addition, Christ will help you stay pure and committed to each other, because you know He brought you together and is always with you. Jesus said, “Therefore, what God has joined together, let man not separate” (Matthew 19:6).