Abortion: Use Your Vote to Fight for Life This November

By   •   October 16, 2024

Cissie Graham Lynch, a mother of three, with her daughters at the 2023 March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Although the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022, abortion is still killing hundreds of thousands of unborn babies each year in states that allow it.

How can we as Christians use our voice—and our vote—to fight for life?

“I believe abortion continues to be one of the greatest evils in America,” Cissie Graham Lynch said on her latest Fearless podcast episode. “And we have an opportunity before us this election to try and create a culture of life.”

With less than a month until Election Day, Cissie continues addressing key issues affecting our families—including the sanctity of life. Taken from her Fearless Family: Eight-Day Election Prayer Guide, Cissie’s devotional below encourages us to navigate this divisive topic with sensitivity, truth, and love.

Reading: Psalm 139:13–16

The Shocking Numbers

An estimated 65 million American babies have been legally aborted and destroyed since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Those aren’t just numbers, those are people made in the image of God. Boys and girls that could have sat next to you in your classes growing up or who could be sitting next to you at your next staff meeting or church service. But instead of becoming women and men you might have shared life with, you never met them, or they, you. Everything you were ever told about being special, about having some unique gift to offer the world, it was true for them too. …

The Battle Is Far From Over

Many people I run into nowadays are still basking in the victory of Roe v. Wade being overturned two years ago. But the truth is having Roe v. Wade overturned wasn’t a victory in the way many people believe. It was nothing more than a battle relocation. …

For the first time since 1973, who you vote for locally will be the deciding factor as to how many unborn children will live or die in your state over the coming years.

In this election, many states will vote on measures that will decide the fate of millions of Americans yet to be conceived. This is why it’s critical that we understand where the candidates on the ballot stand, regardless of the political party they represent or the religion they claim to practice. …

What Does God Say?

We know from Scripture that life is a precious gift from God and that our individual value is determined by Him because we bear His image (Genesis 1:27).

The state does not determine human value, nor does the mother. An unborn baby does not lose their worth in God’s eyes when a woman feels coerced, unprepared, scared, or repulsed at the idea of having a child. This is why “choice” is not the issue, life is.

Psalm 139 says that God knits us together in our mother’s womb and determines our days before we are even born. Each unborn child has a plan and purpose that no one has the right to take away, no matter the circumstances.

Grace for Women

I know these Biblical beliefs on abortion aren’t popular in America today, but though our culture may be confused, the church should not be. One out of three women sitting in a pew at church have had an abortion, and God offers them grace and forgiveness. And to the pregnant women who are scared or conflicted, He offers truth, courage, and love.

As the church, we must be a people who speak the truth with grace. We can tend to lean too far in either direction, becoming either too soft or too harsh, which can leave a bad taste in someone’s mouth. But Jesus demonstrated the perfect balance of both truth and grace. He’s the strong King who crushed death itself, yet Isaiah also described Him by saying “a bruised reed He will not break, and a smoldering wick He will not quench.”

If we want to be like Christ, we should be strong, and yet tender. …

Is abortion on the ballot in your state this year? If so, I would encourage you to do your homework and vote for the candidate who will preserve and protect the most vulnerable people in our society. Maybe you are like me and you’ve sat silent but now feel the conviction to stand up for life. You don’t have to be an activist, but I believe we do need to act with our votes.


Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of life that flows through each one of us—may we never take it for granted. …

Please shake us from our apathy and forgive us for the times when we were silent but should have spoken up for the unborn. …

Please lift the veil of deception over our country so that evil would no longer be called good, and please bring forth a boldness in Your church to speak up. For we know that Your ways are higher than our own, and one day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.