Law Enforcement Couples Turn to God After Trauma

By   •   September 18, 2024

“For the last few summers, we have brought law enforcement couples from across the country to rural Alaska to rest and to reconnect—with one another and with God,” said Franklin Graham. “Please join me in praying for each of them.” Many couples make decisions for Christ during their time in Alaska and ask to be baptized in the lake.

José*—a police officer—arrived in Alaska for a Marriage Resiliency Week this summer bearing the weight and scars of unimaginable trauma. An officer-involved shooting had killed his partner and left him partially paralyzed. While his body displayed the immense physical toll, his emotional and spiritual turmoil was even greater. As his wife, Emma,* grappled with how to support her husband, she quietly endured another kind of pain: infertility.

She shoved her feelings aside and struggled to share them with anyone—including José.

Since 2021, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) has welcomed more than 80 law enforcement couples like José and Emma to Alaska for a week of rest, renewal, and time to focus on their relationship with God and each other.

These summer Marriage Resiliency Weeks are designed to refresh law enforcement officers and their spouses physically, emotionally, and spiritually. The ministry is specifically geared toward officers who have been injured or involved in traumatic incidents.

José and Emma arrived thinking a retreat was what they needed, but during their week in Alaska, they discovered the one who could provide lasting rest: Jesus Christ.

They listened closely as staff members shared the Good News of “hope in our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thessalonians 1:3, NKJV) through outdoor activities and classes designed to strengthen marriages.

José admitted he was struggling to forgive the person who had shot him. But the more he learned about the power of the Savior, his eyes opened to the forgiveness he first needed to receive.

Midway through the retreat, the couple surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ. Surrounded by staff members and newfound friends who cheered and clapped in celebration, they were baptized together in the frigid lake waters at the end of the week.

“[We received] information and tools that we can bring back home to help improve our marriage and strengthen our relationship with God,” José said.

“Making these changes, we can also make a more positive impact on our son.”

‘You Are Saving Souls!’

Jesse* was involved in a shooting in the line of duty. When he and his wife, Bekah,* arrived in Alaska, they described their marriage as strong, but Jesse was open about how much self-doubt filled his mind and heart. He was also deeply concerned about how the shooting had affected Bekah.

“We train for the ‘what-ifs’ but our spouses do not,” he pointed out.

They came into the week with reservations and skepticism about faith.

But as they were surrounded by staff who love Jesus and shared with them about the hope and restoration available through a relationship with Him, their hearts began to soften.

Each week includes time for couples to get to know one another and form lasting relationships.

In the remote and peaceful Alaskan wilderness, they had the space to engage with and ask questions about the material taught in the marriage classes.

Before the end of the week, Jesse and Bekah realized that their problems could not be solved apart from God. They committed their lives to Him, asking Him to do the restorative work He alone is capable of doing.

Jesse later said that conversations with other officers during his time in Alaska helped him work through the traumatic incidents he experienced on the job.

“Please don’t ever stop this program,” Jesse said. “You are saving souls!”

Pray for law enforcement officers who protect and serve—sometimes at great cost.

*Names changed