Franklin Graham through the Years

By   •   October 2, 2010

Billy Graham holding his young son, Franklin.
Big brother Franklin joins his family in welcoming Ned.
The Graham family in 1962.
Celebrating Billy and Ruth's wedding anniversary in 1993.
Ruth still fit into her wedding dress!
A family portrait, 2003
One of Franklin's favorite modes of transportation.
Praying with his father at a Crusade.
Three generations of William Franklin Grahams
Waiting to proclaim the Gospel.
Franklin on the scene at Ground Zero in 2001.
Franklin and his friend Michael W. Smith comforting Hurricane Katrina victims.
Praying with a Hurricane Katrina survivor, 2005.
Franklin comforting students on the campus of Virginia Tech, following the shooting in 2007.
Franklin addressing media in front of the Virginia Tech memorial wall.
Franklin has a long history of helping the people of Sudan.
Showing Greta van Susteren our dental clinic in the DPRK.
Visiting his mother's homeland of China, 2008.
Franklin joined his siblings in celebrating Billy's 90th birthday in 2008.
Another visit to China in 2009.
Praying with family members and pastors in China, 2010.
Handing out an Operation Christmas Child shoe box gift. OCC is another ministry Franklin leads.
Leading the Samaritan's Purse team in Haiti, 2010.
Listening to earthquake survivors in Haiti, 2010.
Franklin and Billy met with President Obama in 2010.
A passion to reach hurting youth resulted in the Rock the River Tour, 2010.