By BGEA Admin • March 22, 2022 • Topics: Christian Living
From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
It is sad to watch someone come to the end of life never having realized the purpose of life. We are not here by chance; God put us here for a purpose, and the most important thing we can do is discover that purpose and commit ourselves to it.
God’s purpose for every individual is this: God wants us to know Him personally by giving our lives to Jesus Christ. Then He wants us to discover what it means to live for Him in obedience. The Bible says, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).
We must ask this question: What are we living for? Pleasure? Money? Happiness? Security? Success? None of these things will ever fulfill us completely. We were made for a relationship with God, and we will only find true meaning and purpose in Christ. There are those who have made “self” the center of life not even realizing it. How easy this can happen, particularly in today’s self-serving world. We must make a turn-about-face and commit ourselves to Jesus Christ by asking Him to come into our hearts as Lord and Savior. He wants to be our counselor and guide. “O Lord … show me the path of life” (Psalm 16:5, 11).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)