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A Message of God’s Love for the Texas Panhandle
BGEA Staff
September 27, 2021
A Message of God’s Love for the Texas Panhandle
As the saying goes, everything is bigger in Texas. On Sunday, Amarillo
Amarillo drew the biggest crowd yet
as the 5th stop on
Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tour.
More than 11,000 people filled John Stiff Memorial Park to hear about God’s redeeming love.
“Are you willing to say to God this evening, ‘Lord have mercy on me?'" Franklin Graham asked the attentive crowd. God worked in hearts as many made decisions for Christ.
Linda and Jasmine—not pictured—stood to make a decision for Christ as an assurance of their faith in Him. “I felt like I should,” Linda said. “I want to make things right with God. This is serious. Jesus didn’t have to [die on the cross] but He did. He’s a good God.”
On this sunny, 86-degree afternoon, young and old poured into the park, bearing umbrellas, lawn chairs and smiles. Some families had the clever idea to bring food and turn the evening into a picnic.
A chord from Dennis Agajanian started off the night. His fast-picking, country singing and black cowboy hat were a natural fit for the Texas stage.
“What you’re hearing tonight is a practice session for heaven,” Christian musician Marcos Witt called out to the crowd as he joined Newsboys in leading the multilingual worship. The reference alludes to a passage in Revelation—in the Bible—where people from every tribe and tongue worship before the throne of God.
Located in the center of the Texas Panhandle, Amarillo is surrounded by the flat prairies of the Great Plains. The famous Cadillac Ranch sits just outside the city. In this photo, these painted cars include the words, “God Loves You.”
Franklin Graham shared a message from Mark 10 about a blind Bartimaeus who called out to Jesus, asking for healing. “Son of David, have mercy on me” (Mark 10:48). Jesus stopped and in that moment, restored his sight. Bartimaeus' faith had made him well.
Are you looking for healing? Jesus is standing there waiting for you, too.
Coming up: Albuquerque, New Mexico. Get ready for even more stories of how God is changing lives on
Franklin Graham’s God Loves You Tour.