
By   •   January 23, 2021   •   Topics: ,


I’m a caregiver to my neighbor’s mother who is hard of heart and demanding. She has a keen mind but doesn’t like to watch TV and is no longer able to read her beloved mysteries, but insists that I sit next to her bedside all day. I want to serve the Lord but am finding it impossible to come up with ways to do that.


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Many caregivers have found comfort in reading Scripture. While some patients may resist at first, often the beautiful poetry of the Bible, and the fascinating biographies, will draw them into the richness of history and truth. When we bathe our service to the Lord in earnest prayer, and proclaim His holy Word, God blesses it in immeasurable ways. It does not always mean that every hearer will accept it, and some may adamantly refuse to have the holy Bible read in their presence, but it is still the Book of Life.

People are often surprised to discover how much human drama the Bible contains. Almost every conceivable human dilemma and conflict is reflected in its pages. The Bible reveals great mysteries and predicts the future. Its message is more relevant than tomorrow’s headlines. The Bible is also God’s book of promises, and unlike the books of men, it does not change or get out of date.

The Bible is actually a library of books—some long, some short. Behind each one, is the Author, the Spirit of God, and the Bible promises that its message will not return void. God’s Word is the answer to man’s deepest needs. Most of all, the Bible is the story of God’s love for the whole world, and in it personal salvation can be found that brings hope and peace to hearts and souls that will open them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

Searching for peace? Find peace with God.