“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
—John 1:14, NKJV
As you celebrate with friends and family this Christmas, how do you keep your holiday traditions focused on the reason behind it all?
“Traditions disconnected from the heart of God can quickly become idols in our life,” said Cissie Graham Lynch. “How do we not live in the past but move forward with the hope of the Lord?”
On this week’s new episode of Fearless, Cissie invites her brother Will Graham to share how to meet the Lord right where we are this holiday season.
“God wants to be the God not of the past, not merely the God of the future, but the God of the present,” Will said. “And then we can learn from what He wants us to do right now.”
Although our God remains the same, each Christmas is different, providing us new opportunities to connect more deeply with the One who came to save us.
Hear more as Cissie and Will encourage you to not let nostalgia for yesterday blind you to what God is doing today.