What Is Your End Goal as a Parent?

By   •   January 30, 2024

What would be the ultimate success for you as a parent or grandparent? A lifelong relationship with your children or grandchildren—or knowing that they’re walking faithfully with the Lord?

On her latest Fearless podcast episode, Cissie explores this foundational question that has eternal implications.

“We will likely have times when we have to stand on the side of God and not with the opinions and positions that are brought to us by our children,” Cissie Graham Lynch shared on her latest Fearless podcast episode.

Our highest purpose is to see the faith of our children grow, and our relationship with them is one of the best tools we have to help them, she added.

“We are the influential guides … navigating through this difficult world.” Lynch said. “The goal is that they would love God with all their heart, mind, and soul.”

While we have the heavy responsibility in raising our little ones to walk with God, we can have confidence knowing that we are not alone.

“We don’t operate in fear,” she continued. “We are to parent in assurance … of who God is, what Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross, His love for us, and His Word. That helps us navigate through every situation in life.”

So how do we steer our families toward Jesus Christ in this world of confusion, brokenness, and sin?

Hear more as Cissie shares five things to keep in mind when answering this question—and how we can point them to the Lord, even when standing on His truth causes tension.

Listen to the full podcast episode on your streaming platform.