Spanish-Speaking Seminar at The Cove Encourages Families to Radiate God’s Love

By   •   July 29, 2024

Couples and individuals gathered at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove this past weekend for an all-Spanish seminar.

God’s design for the family is under attack.

Over the last few decades, our society has promoted the idea that the nuclear family can be “redesigned.” As new generations seek answers on topics like abortion, same-sex marriage, and transgenderism, Christian parents often don’t know how to respond.

This past weekend, people from all over the country gathered at the Billy Graham Training Center at The Cove for a Spanish-speaking seminar on God’s Design for Family led by author and speaker Sixto Porras.

With over 25 years of experience leading Focus on the Family’s Spanish-speaking ministry, Porras led attendees through three days of exploring the foundations for the family that God outlined in  the Bible.

Porras encouraged participants to make Biblical truth the cornerstone of their families—not imposing their beliefs as strict rules, but portraying them as living examples of God’s love.

“Where does your son take his questions when he is confused?” Porras asked the audience. “On which shoulder does your daughter cry on?

“We are living in a world where kids are struggling to find their identity. Let your home be the place where your children find their identity, where they find their sense of belonging.”

With examples and personal stories, Porras inspired parents and individuals to teach Biblical truth, but most importantly, to show younger generations what a Christian life looks like through their actions and love.

“Your children will pass through times of confusion, your children will fail at times, but you have to be their solid rock … as your Heavenly Father is your rock,” he said. “You need to remind them constantly, ‘Son, daughter, I will always be here for you.’”

Texas-born music leader Job González led Cove attendees in praise and worship.

Setting a Firm Foundation

Among attendees was a young couple, Josías Quinteros and Kristen Gruninger.

At 18 and 20 years old, the pair is far from planning their wedding, but were sure of one thing—they want to follow God’s design for their future family.

Josías was born and raised in Argentina. His family recently moved to the United States and his dad now pastors a Spanish-speaking congregation in Florida. Kristen, who also attends college in the Sunshine State, is fluent in Spanish.

They met at church and have been dating for a few months. When they heard about this seminar, they both signed up.

“We want to hold on to God’s hand through every challenge and live holy lives together,” said Josías.

Some approached the youthful attendants, curious to hear what interested them in a conference about raising a family.

“I know this is what we need if we want to honor the Lord,” Josías said. “We want to start with small but well-directed steps to one day have a family that follows God’s design, even from a young age.”

Both saw godly examples in their homes growing up, and they aspire to be wise parents someday.

“I want to be an intentional mom, just like my mom is,” Kristen said. “And I want to work hand-in-hand with a man of God, so that we have a family that honors the Lord above all, because that is how I grew up and that is what I want for my family.”

The weekend seminar left a strong impression on Josías.

“The conference exceeded my expectations and I think I’ve already filled my notebook with so many notes,” he said. “But for now, I just want to live in the present and hopefully continue to grow in knowledge by God’s grace. I know I still have a long way to go.”

Will you pray for all those who attended the seminar to lead families that honor God? 

>>Want to experience the beauty of a mountaintop retreat where you can spend quiet time growing in your faith? Start planning your trip to The Cove today.