Hispanic Churches Could Impact Evangelism in the U.S.

By   •   July 26, 2024

Hundreds of Hispanic church leaders attend last year's Evangelism Summit in San Diego, California. This year, the conferences will be held in Denver (August 3), Miami (September 28), and New York, (October 26).

The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) is preparing to host Spanish-speaking pastors and church leaders for three Evangelism Summits across the United States.

The intensive bilingual events are intended to foster unity among local leaders and encourage them in their mission to proclaim the Gospel and the power of the cross of Jesus Christ.

“After years of doing ministry, sometimes we feel trapped in the routine and we have to be reminded to go back to the basics, to proclaim the power of salvation through Christ’s sacrifice alone, by faith alone,” said Angel Jordán, director of Hispanic Ministries for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.

In our world of confusion and cancel culture, Christians sometimes retreat into their own circles, fearing that the world will reject their message.

But there are so many people who are eager to hear the truth, who want to encounter an authentic faith.

“Through these conferences, we want to present the church with the challenge of demonstrating the Gospel of Christ, not only in word, but also in a tangible way,” said Jordán.

Inspired by Billy Graham’s Schools of Evangelism, these in-depth training sessions use the principles that are at the core of every BGEA evangelistic effort, like proclaiming the message of the cross, living holy lives, unity in the global church, and discipleship.

“We want to provide pastors with tools to make an effective evangelistic impact in their community,” he said.

“As the Hispanic population continues to grow and gain prominence in the country, we believe this is a pivotal time when we can leave a mark for the Gospel, not only within the Hispanic community, but far beyond.”

In 2021, BGEA launched its Hispanic Ministries area to partner with churches across the United States in reaching out to people of Hispanic origin.

“In the first stage, we want to achieve this goal by reaching the 25 cities with the largest Hispanic presence in the United States,” said Jordan. “Among them are the three cities where this year’s summits are taking place.”

The first conference of this year will take place in Denver on Aug. 3, followed by Miami on Sept. 28 and New York on Oct. 26. Each event will feature Christian speakers with worship music led by Sarai Rivera. Participants are required to register, but the event is free.

>>Any pastor or leader of a Hispanic church in the United States is welcome. Reserve your spot at one of the three summits.