How Do I Get Closer to God? Billy Graham’s Answer

By   •   August 7, 2018   •   Topics: ,

Q: I don’t have any problem believing in God, but I can’t truthfully say that I love Him. I’ve tried to talk myself into feeling like I love God, but it just doesn’t work. Maybe I don’t have the right kind of personality or something.

A: Thank you for your honesty; it’s far better to admit our spiritual shortcomings than to deceive ourselves into thinking we are complete. The Bible says, “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us” (1 John 1:8).

Why do you find it hard not only to believe in God, but to actually love Him? The problem isn’t your personality; the real problem is your understanding of God. If you think God is an impersonal force who isn’t concerned about us … or a harsh, angry judge who hates us … or a weak, powerless being who can’t help us—then you won’t have any reason to love Him.

But God isn’t like this! God is our loving heavenly Father who not only created us, but watches over us and provides for our every need. How do we know He loves us? We know it first of all because of the good gifts He gives us—the air we breathe, the food we enjoy, the blessing of human love, the joy of His presence. The Bible says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life” (2 Peter 1:3).

But we know God loves us most of all because of Jesus Christ. He was God in human flesh, who came down from Heaven to sacrifice His life for our salvation. God loves you that much! Open your heart and life to Jesus Christ, and then thank God every day for His great love for you.

Start a personal relationship with Christ.