Franklin Graham: We Need a Christian Revolution in America

By   •   November 2, 2016

Franklin Graham

Dear Friend,

As I write, we have completed the final stops on the 50-state Decision America Tour. We praise God that more than 235,000 people gathered at the rallies, eager to pray for our nation as they packed the steps and front lawns of state capitols across the country. Another 200,000 watched through online streaming and social media.

Most important, we have had more than 9,000 people let us know they made a decision for Christ at these rallies. At each one I shared the Gospel, which is the power of God for salvation, and I gave an invitation. I never dreamed that so many people would come to know the Lord at prayer rallies. We give God all the glory and thank Him for what He has done.

People packed these rallies because they care about their country. Washington is broken. The nation is spiraling out of control—morally, spiritually, and politically. America needs the Christian voice to be heard. I am not telling anyone who to vote for. God can do that. God’s people have a responsibility to pray for the nation and to vote.

The choice in an election is not always clear. The media want you to think the current presidential election is about personality—but it’s not. And it’s not about emails or tax returns. The biggest impact this election will have on our nation is who the next president appoints to fill vacancies on the Supreme Court. This will affect the course of America for decades to come. Right now the court is divided. The next president will immediately appoint one justice and could appoint several more during his or her term. If liberal, progressive judges are appointed, our religious freedoms and our standards of morality will be under attack, and the consequences for America will be grave.

Remember that each major party has two people in the national election—candidates for president and vice president run as a team. Don’t overlook the second person on the team and what his values are.

We need a Christian revolution in America. Let’s support men and women at every level of government—local, state, and national—who will lead this country back to really being one nation under God, so that we can truthfully say, once again, “In God we trust.”

No matter who wins, our ongoing job as Christians is to make the impact of Christ felt in every area of life—social, religious, political, and economic. We must not attempt to do this in our own strength or wisdom. We can only do it as we surrender ourselves completely to God, allowing Him to work in and through us. Be sure you do vote, and then stay active in your community. Be an advocate for God’s truth and for His righteousness.

We can’t stop praying for our nation and its leaders. The Bible tells Christians to pray for “kings and all who are in authority” (1 Timothy 2:2, NKJV). It doesn’t matter what position in government they hold or which party a leader represents—pray for them.

We have wrapped up the Decision America Tour, but not the work of reaching lost people who need Jesus Christ. Next year we have a full slate of BGEA evangelistic Crusades in North America and other parts of the world. I have a burden on my heart to share the Gospel in smaller cities in America that may never have the opportunity to host a large-scale Crusade. In 2017 we are going to go to four or five cities in Tennessee, and then in Texas, bringing the life-changing Good News across those states, city by city. Pray with me as we finalize plans—ask God to prepare the way and to change many lives for eternity.

My son Will Graham recently returned from a Crusade in the northeast part of Scotland, where he preached the Good News of Jesus Christ for five nights. During the first two weeks of November, Will is leading Crusades in two cities in Newfoundland, Canada.

Also in November, I am heading to Myanmar for a long-anticipated Crusade. Churches there have endured persecution for many years, yet they are committed to evangelism no matter the cost. They have already scheduled over 300 buses to bring people to the meetings each night. Will you pray that God will work in a mighty way?

Thank you for your faithfulness in giving and praying. The support of friends like you is what makes it possible for us to continue proclaiming God’s love and offer of forgiveness and eternal salvation across the U.S. and around the world.

May God richly bless you,
Franklin Graham Signature



Franklin Graham