Cissie Graham Lynch: Can Kids Believe in Santa and Jesus?

By   •   December 5, 2023

Two of Cissie Graham Lynch's children, Margaret and Austin, meet Santa during Christmastime.

This article and podcast were originally published in December 2022.

To believe in Santa or not to believe in Santa? 

That is the question.

If you’re a Christian parent debating what to teach your kids about Santa—or if you already made the choice and are wondering if it was the right thing to do—find encouragement on Cissie Graham Lynch’s Fearless podcast episode.

She unwraps her Christmas traditions—including how her family believed in Santa growing up and what she does to celebrate the holiday with her own children.

“Whether you choose to celebrate Santa or choose not to recognize Santa, it’s all OK because this is not a spiritual issue,” Lynch said.

During the festive episode, she addresses three reasons parents may choose to raise their children not to believe in Santa, as well as the origin of St. Nicholas and why she decided to celebrate Santa with her children.

“Be gracious with one another this Christmas season. Love one another, choose what’s best for your family on Santa Claus,” Lynch said. “Whether your children know who Santa is or not, we are always to focus on the greatest gift that God gave us and that is His Son, Jesus Christ.”

This Christmas, experience a relationship with the One we celebrate, Jesus Christ.