Chaplains Minister in Oklahoma After Deadly Tornadoes

By   •   April 21, 2023

Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplains Julie Topliffe (center) and Karrie Cheney (right) pray with Patsie Colbert in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

The Billy Graham Rapid Response Team (BG-RRT) is ministering in Shawnee, Oklahoma, after at least eight tornadoes touched down on April 19. The tornadoes caused widespread damage throughout the state, killing at least three people.

“The amount of devastation we are seeing in Shawnee is heartbreaking. Our thoughts and prayers are with those who have lost loved ones and whose homes have been destroyed,” said Josh Holland, international director of the BG-RRT. “We want to make sure residents know they are not alone and not forgotten. In the midst of the storm, there is hope—that hope is in Jesus Christ.

“We are sending our crisis-trained chaplains to pray with, listen, and share God’s love with those who have been impacted by these devastating tornadoes.”

Chaplains are serving alongside disaster relief organization Samaritan’s Purse. Together, the ministries are offering spiritual, emotional, and physical assistance to the community. A BG-RRT Mobile Ministry Center is set up for people needing a private place to talk or pray.

In addition to Oklahoma, chaplains have served other tornado-ravaged communities across Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Indiana, and Arkansas so far this year.

Please keep all those impacted by the storm in your prayers. Pray for God to strengthen chaplains and give them wisdom as they minister in the area.